Wednesday, February 10, 2010

oh shite!

Taylor lautner is legal now.
im ashamed that about 3 of my last posts have been about Taylor. but this was not something i could pass up. all of *NO ONE * who reads my blog could live a single day without this epic anouncement. i feel way better about the fact that my friend ATL bought me a life size Taylor cardbord cutout. he is going to live in my closet with Rob. because otherwise they will both scare the shit out of me at 3 in the morning. seriously the first time i caught a glimps of Rob in my room I quite nearly peed myself.i belive this is mostly due to the overal brooding nature of Robert.i turned the corner and he was all "gurr"
he was sitteing there with a towle over his head for the longest time then i felt sorry for him and stuffed him in my closet.
oh yea im completly aware of how crazy it is to feel sorry for a peice of paper but i did.

so now i have two fake guys lurking in my closet waiting to scare the shit out of me when i go to pick out a sweater.
.....zomg. i have to wear a sweater lately! its Texas. what kind of bullshit is this? i was leaveing class today and ice fell from the sky and touched me WTF!!!!!

oh yea and btw...TAYLOR LAUTNER IS 18