Monday, March 8, 2010

x to the power of slut.

lets start our day out by talking about tattoos.
i have a few (many) and i think there is a very likely future where I'm weird wrinkly and old covered in Tats.
School yard that your grandma?

Grandkid: err yea

SYC:why dose she have a flame paint job on her walker?

GK: she says it makes her go faster..grandma has never been what you might call 'normal'

SYC:what dose her knuckles say?

GK: *shakes head in shame* "NERD LOVE"

poor kiddo. what a terrible future i leave for my kin.
any who a tat that i have seen and LURV

"Bryce Nadeau was so impressed by the artistic expression of the Star Wars burlesque show ,he got his roommate drunk and tattooed him with a commemorative dancing stormtrooper" :D makes me happy face. not only es it a smexy lady (which i luv) buuuut its a storm trooper. :) yayyayayayaya starwars.
everyone wants to be a storm trooper, even these squirrels!

im voteing for the one on the left...he has that crazy look in his eyes. *gurr*

on a completly unrelated note. went to a party at some chicks house (friend of a friend kinda sitch) and for a wonderful moment i thought i might need this guy

but then my big girl brain kicked in and said. 'how many beers has this guy had?' *sigh* i usually listen to my big girl brain.