Tuesday, January 26, 2010


i look at myself and i say...damn girl your fat, your rolls have rolls. when you sit around the house you sit AROUND the house. Until this past year i had never had a back roll. now i know what it is like to have back sweat (*eww*) the sad fact is that i could loose the weight but..i dont really want to. can i pull off an eating addiction? "i love my chips. and they love me ! we have to be together!!!!"*twitch twitch*

thats a lie. i eat ridiculously healthy, however i eat waaaaay to much.

perhaps 3 times what a normal person would eat. veggies grilled skinless chicken. all low fat everythign. and i dont even drink soda *for serious, i gave that up in JrHigh* instead i drink iced tea by the gallons.(im sure thats bad fo ryou) oh right and i dont exercise *lazy Bish rem?*

i relized recently that when im in a relationship i lose upwards of 50-60 pounds . when im happy and getting sexed up i no longer feel the need to eat seconds and thirds. i hear that it is actually normal for it to be th other way around. once you get comforatble with a dude you tend to puff up. how great it must be for the dudes who bone me. not only do you get the glory of my fantastic companionship, but also day by day your getting a hotter girlfriend. any who im going to make a sad attempt at losing weight. just by makeing some portion control decisions and perhaps rideing my bike or playing Frisbee with the kiddo.I weighted myself a little while ago and i was 318 pounds. i would like to be 250 and my final goal is in the 210-220 pound range. i dont really wnat to go below 220 (even if that is healthy) as a tthat weight my hip bones start pokeing out and i bump into things with them. if this has never happend to you, i will tell ya it suuuuuuuucks (yes all those extra u,s were necissary)before i got in a car wreck i was 230 and then in a short 4 month period i sky rocketed up to my current weight. YAY for 100 pounds! i have all the fat health issues but funnily i got them pre Fatness. Diabetes (hypoglycemia) high blood preassure , bad knees, asthma and now that im one of those fat ppl. i get looked down on for stuff i got from poor genes.

okay i give up on this fucking thing. ill be doing my diet thing keeping all of NO ONE posted on my progress.