Saturday, February 6, 2010

your butt

we need to have a little chat.*serious face*
its times like these that I'm sad that no one actually reads my blog because this is important.

at some point you might find yourself in a social situation (party, wedding,funeral ect..) where the opportunity to show your ass or "Moon" as the kids are calling it today. you stop and ask yourself

"what is the appropriate amount of ass to show when mooning?" not surprisingly i have the answer to this important question. and to make it easier for you to understand i have some visual helpers.(*of butts!*)

full butt, WRONG
i don't want to see your anus. the bend over is even worse. besides with ones pants pulled so far down ya can only assume your junk is hangin our the front. You need to be conscious of what your butt looks like. pop Marks, discoloration? then the full butt is not right for you.

on the other hand what is usually acceptable as the right type of moon. is the half moon this is especially good for funerals and weddings as you are not in danger of flashing your scrotum at your grandma. (*don't wana give that old bird a heart attack*)


there is one exception to this 'law of da moon' in section 382 article 6 it states that a full moon is acceptable and encouraged if you have a vast expanse of glass to press you ham against.

*squeek squeek*

bonus pts if you have an unusually neon white tan line.