Thursday, January 28, 2010

okay so the scale is a lier

it must be.
i looked at it and it says I'm 316...
with all of my kinda sorta dieting. i actually lost a few pounds.
and i know what your going to say, "maybe u just pooped?" and i will tell you NAY! that is not true. and because no one except for me will EVER read this i feel okay in this TMI moment. i only poo once every other week, oh you read that right. i never ever poo. i have gone as far as 3 and a half weeks with no movement. although after two and a half weeks i start to smell and feel pretty damn bad. and i start taking measures (yay prunes) other wise ill get toxic. yea i know its Gross. any who hooray for my fail at a diet! here's a picture of a dinosaur!