Thursday, June 24, 2010

time refuses to move.

im waiting Oh so nicely for time to start going again.
at 2 something im going in for another ultrasound and a thrid opinion on my lumpy boob. blargh
all the doctors are willing to tell me is "dont worry" and i of course laugh and say "im really not worried" and they give me a look like im insane. you want me to worry or not? i a sea of calm over here but your creeping me out.
my breast surgen guy keeps randomely looking at me and going "god..your so young"
wtf surgen guy??? get a grip yo!

im no good a waiting.

if the clock would tick just a few min i can call the hospital.
my daughter is going in for surgery tomorrow and i have to set everything up with the hospital today, but i can only call in a couple hour period.
so waiting
today has been a whirlwind of doctors apointmens mostly for me, but also for my dog who has a broken leg.

just fyi tiny dogs in tiny casts are ADRORABUL!!!!

omfg! the clock started moveing!!! okay im off to make phonecalls.then off into the wild to get my boob felt up by a bunch of doctors. more men have touched my breast in the past few days than in the past month. nevermind most of them have that cranky serious "hummmm" face on.
Ill take what i can get!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Green Hornet

Wow, okay so seriously someone was like...what if we took that guy from knocked up and shove him in a greenhornet movie.
everyone was like..that makes NO sence whatsoever, then they got REALLY high and were like "duuude wait...yea no thats a great idea!"
i watched the trailer and it deliverd a really weird tone for the movie.
it feels all wrong, and highly generic.

now having said that. i WILL be going to theaters to watch it. because it looks okay funny.ill prolly see someone half nekid. not to mention im DEFF going to see some shite blow up!
yall know i never pass up things that go boom. ^_^

Sunday, June 20, 2010

my child hood.

well sort of,
i was always the flash or that harriot the spy chick.
but mostly the flash :)
i was sitting around waiting for the new epi of True Blood.
when i relized i really wanted to be green lanturn right now.
id use my power ring to get myself a cheese stick from the fridge.
>_< HAPPY!

hobbits in the hizzouse

how strange is it to see a truck outside of a hobbit hole?

the hobbit is looking to come to theaters in 2012-
and i have to say im EXCITED
funny enough im actually doing thehobbit for the community play :) im a troll. anyone supprised? yea me neither.


this is my 131st post that no on will read. woah!
im kinda proud of myself for continuing to write even though people seem to avoid my blog like the plague.
is it because i say bish instead of bitch?
because i can start cussing like a sailor if you want...
i just....*sob*...i just want your approval Internet!

just kidding. i hate you.
you smell
also i slept with your girlfriend. YOU HEARD ME! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!

anyways this post is actually not about my lack of Internet popularity (shocking i know)
instead this is a musing

how is it anyone sleeps with me? not in the "lets get it on" way, i know how that works. i watched the informational film in Jr.High.
*sings* "whhhen a mannnn loves a woman,cant keep his mind on nothin' else"

sometimes guys sleep in my bed (SHOCKING) and i cant help but wonder how they manage to escape with so few bruises.
I snore,and a talk in my sleep (which is not as sexy as midnight sun tries to make it out to be) but more importantly i kick , roll , and wiggle. my cats insist on sleeping on the end of my bed. and EVERY single night i kick them in the face and they go flying into the darkness.
poor guys who share my bed. i cant imagine what they must go through!!!!

....its way early in the morning. I'm waiting for this vid of mine to upload to youtube so i can go to sleep but its taking foooreeevvveerrr.
Yes all those extra letters were necessary. what are you trying to say? that I'm wasting the Internets resources for my own sick purposes? well i don't have a retort to that really, other than to say YOUR CRAZY. the Internet gave me all these extra letters FOR FREE...also apparently the Internet gave me unlimited access to THE CAPS KEY. OHH YEA BABY! ITS LIKE I'M YELLING RIGHT INTO YOUR EYEBALLS!

oh that sounds like a terrible thing.

ill stop now. because I'm pretty sure iv finally gone insane.
