I hardcore want that nosejob in a can. how epic would it be to carry that around with you?
or perhaps you might wear it in your hair all Lady Gaga style. that way its always at hand when you want to smash someones face in.
while there on the ground holding there face and bleeding. you can say
"i just did you a favor holms"
then of course you need to run like hell. because although you smashed someones face for the greater good. I dont think the cops will see it that way, cops are so picky about thta kind of stuff. its like they DONT want you to save the world from uglyness.
"The mysterious TrustoCorp, who has previously limited him/her/themselves to so-called “street sign improvements,” has taken his/her/their street art to the next level with They Live-style “TrustoCorp products,” which were randomly placed at various delis and supermarkets throughout Manhattan this past week."