i would sooo lower my standards for any of these guys.
its the accent it makes my panties catch on fier n such.
my life long goal to bag me someone from the old world.
for serious.
im not picky.
(thats a lie im soo picky,hello thats why im still single yo)
for serious. i lower my standards hard core for any man who can sing, dance or do anything musical.
my standards go flying out the window and into a bucket of acid if the guy is actually in a band. LOL
Friday, February 19, 2010
standards? whats that???
Posted by Cult leader at 6:29 PM 0 comments
*drum roll*
like how i just make shit up for random days.
friday and fashion start with the SAME letter! i know wow!
it could also be Frito Friday..im ookay with that too.
mmmmmm fritos...
anywho back to z fashion.
ohhh hell yea. i would so round house kick you in these. and they look sooo good.!
now for a fashion rewind.
High school!!!! yea i did not belive in matching colors.
also more stuff to look at!
what is any outfit without some SHOESSSSSS
and finaly on the I EFFING need this side of things
dude i put up to many pics on here. for serious . but i need that jacket. no kidding. right now. someone buy it..send it to me..i will wear it every day.
ill go about with my bling inhaler and use the force to kill peeps.
Posted by Cult leader at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
late as always
kevin smith my love.
i know your all WHAT!?
i shall tell you a tale of me.
kevin smith,known to the universe as the "clerks guy"
was my very first celeb crush. i watched him on this crazy episode of Degrassi and got all sappy over the dude.
any who now that that sad sad story is over lets continue.
Dude was kicked off south west.
first off. what you doing chillin in coach my man?
i took southwest to Minn. and back and they never kicked my ass off. and im twice your size both ways. i got that damn buckle on though DAMN IT! took all my powerz to do so but that bish clicked...that dose not nessisarily mean i ought to have been alowed to bord. but what the hell. i would like to see them remove me LOL
wow that was pointless... if your a fan of "the clerks guy" i suggest following his ass at www.viewaskew.com
the only thing i hold against Kevin is how he named his offspring. Harley Quinn wich is what i was going to name my future kid but that Bish stole it. way to take away my hopes and dreams dude.
instead i named my daughter Lorelai
wich is a dark haired bueaty, a vikeing siren singing those goofy men to there deaths. awwwwwwww
sadly it is aprently also the name of the Gilmore girls.
shit. GD IT ALL!!!! if only kevin smith had not stolen Harley Quinn !!!!
what evs. Lorelai is a pretty name Regardless.
Posted by Cult leader at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Avon Man
Frequently i question the stars movie choices. but this is truly something i shall watch...maybe...
it sounds so crazy i think it must be funny
Avon Man
"The film, written by Kevin Bisch (Hitch), follows men laid off from an auto dealership. One (Hugh Jackman) is reluctantly recruited into becoming an Avon salesman, and while the experience is initially emasculating, he uses his charm and good looks to become a top seller. The car salesman sets out to save his financially strapped family and town by conscripting his buddies into the makeup business to win a regional contest."
and im not going to see it just because of
wait what? did someone say something? i was go busy stareing to really hear.
so yea ill go see it, in the hopes at some point his shirt falls off for no real reason. or keep them on..jesus did it just get hott in here?!?!?!?!
Hugh Jackman your going on my list of men i would not kick out of my bed. *lucky you!*
Posted by Cult leader at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
on today's episode of "i frigggin want this Tuesday(kinda)" its
i know your saying to yourself "for why?" and i will answer this. LOOK ABOVE! how could anyone not want to get this on themselves? not only is it a Dino...its a Dino saying RAWR. obviously i need to pay someone eighty bucks to put this on me StAt...man im all YELLY today...of course we all know that capslock is cruise control for awesome
on another note. someone invite me to a fancy dinner so i can wear some of this Mario inspired evening wear.
un cuz im a all around classy lady, i would have to be all matchy matchy with some of these.
*squeeeeeeeeeek* im so sick, i would in fact wear/love these. dont worry ill pull it off, as you all know im one sexy lady. and us sexy ladys can pull off anything, HEY stop laughing!!!!!!
Posted by Cult leader at 9:25 PM 0 comments
the post valintines woooo
okay soo my v day was...bad ass and wonderful, HA you thought i was going to say crappy, BUT i didn't. I'm a sneaky devil :D
any who vday movie was actually great, and i got to see my obsession running around. ate some HORRIBLE Asian food. got accidental food allergy and my tongue swelled up so i was talking like a D&D dork with braces for a good hour. then we went to the club and watched the drag show at Kiss & Fly. all and all a good friggin day. and it has been extended to this day because i officially have ONE FOLLOWER! zomg. i almost passed out when i saw it today. seriously all of you go into the side bar and look at it! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY *pass out* now follow that persons lead and get a friggin blogger acount and FOLLOW ME! i need minions people if I'm ever going to take over the world. i need attention and love if i am to be expected ta continue being awesome opossum. I'm feeling a little sacrilegious today , sorry to my dear christian friends. avert your eyes and pray for my eternal SOUL!..or is it soal?...coal...foal... I AM RHYMING MASTA~!
oop. im going to hell now. *sigh* at least there will be smores there.
Posted by Cult leader at 1:36 PM 0 comments