Friday, January 22, 2010

so i was like...WHAT?

So anyways, I’m awesome. Like incredibly awesome. I’m 6’3” tall, 317 pounds..(*holy hell when that’s in print its quite well…shameful?) any ways. So I’m an everyday giant. I have this insane view of myself. Really. I think I’m beautiful. Not in the “you should be in movies!” sort of way but rather just irregularly pretty. I don’t think others see me that way. But I’m self a self absorbed mo’fo so it don’t really matter. I’m single(ish) and a nerd. Like LARP style nerd. I love comic books and have already bought my tickets to ComiCon. *super fucking excited dance* if I were more excited I would pass out! I highly doubt this blog will ever see the light of day so I will use this piece o’ poo as a diary. YAY DIARY!
I cant spell, nor can I punctuate my way out of a paper bag, I feel sorry for the poor soul who stumbles across this piece of shite at 3 in the morning.
Dude…really…*‘I’m so sorry*