Monday, February 1, 2010

dear hott guy

the one who sits next to me in class.
first off. you need to stop being so damn cute. seriously i find it very difficult to concintrate on my equasions when your over there sending off hottness in waves.
if you could just take off the adorabul tweed jacket or stop suddenly muttering cute things to yourself. maybe you should shave a litte and get those scruffys off your face becaus seriously dude,i cant think anymore. your a giant pain in my ass.the other day i said 2x=10 was the same as x= hott fucking guy...( see the problem?)
its worse yet that i bet that you would be paticularly good at witty banter. i dont know if perhaps you were awear of this paticular dry spell and useing it against me (you sicko) or if you just go around getting girls all hott and botherd wherever you go. but its very crule of you. can you think of no one besides yourself? i'm watching star trek and trying to forget you. but i expect you to be dressed down shaven and considerbly less adorabul.

GOD DAMN IT! stop now before i combust!