Monday, February 15, 2010

the post valintines woooo

okay soo my v day was...bad ass and wonderful, HA you thought i was going to say crappy, BUT i didn't. I'm a sneaky devil :D
any who vday movie was actually great, and i got to see my obsession running around. ate some HORRIBLE Asian food. got accidental food allergy and my tongue swelled up so i was talking like a D&D dork with braces for a good hour. then we went to the club and watched the drag show at Kiss & Fly. all and all a good friggin day. and it has been extended to this day because i officially have ONE FOLLOWER! zomg. i almost passed out when i saw it today. seriously all of you go into the side bar and look at it! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY *pass out* now follow that persons lead and get a friggin blogger acount and FOLLOW ME! i need minions people if I'm ever going to take over the world. i need attention and love if i am to be expected ta continue being awesome opossum. I'm feeling a little sacrilegious today , sorry to my dear christian friends. avert your eyes and pray for my eternal SOUL!..or is it soal?...coal...foal... I AM RHYMING MASTA~!

oop. im going to hell now. *sigh* at least there will be smores there.