Thursday, April 1, 2010

its almost news!

{click on the pic for the link to the vid}
when Ricky Martin came out of the closet you were like....alrighty then.that was about as shocking as the revelation that Lindsy Lohan stuffs Cocaine in her shoes.

Ahhh! but i have one for you.

Anna Paquin likes the ladies.
not only is she easy on the eyes. now your dirty fantasies about her can include other hott ladies.
she surprised everyone by revealing her secret Bisexuality in a tippy-top secret PSA taping on behalf of the True Colors Fund.
"Give A Damn” is the theme of the campaign which will feature several celebs speaking out for equality.check out there websight that launched today.

Anyways Anna. its great about your ladylovin. But, GET BACK TO WORK! I NEED TRUEBLOOD!