Monday, June 14, 2010

screw you canada

traceing my family tree with canadian records is imposibul. they keep the worst records in the friggin world.
im thinking that its because there is a whole lot of nothing up there...well at least there wasnt a whole lot up there in 1855.
early american settlers kept the most amazing records in the history of the world i telling you. they documented everything.
thank you americans!

on another note.
this laptops "m" key is sticking. you never relize how much u use a letter till it wont go.
i wrote a 200 something word email to my 'boss' only to discover at the very end the entier thing was missing that all important "m"

also im being a little pirate and watching the new epi of trueblood online however its the slowest prosses in the friggin world.
im like...oh my yes eric butt. and then i have to wait another twenty min for the god forsaken thing to buffer. or load or whatever it is supposed to be doing right now.


perhaps i knows i doing something bad? maybe my computer is trying to protect my virture?

Dear computer,

i always watch those PSA's that come on b4 movies.
"you wouldnt steal a car"
"you wouldnt steal a dvd from a store"
"pirateing dvds and music is stealing and its illegal, your bish ass is going to jail forever"
i cry a little for the artists. then i go download twenty songs to my mp3 player. ^_^

am i oldfashioned?
my mom wanted to buy me a amazon kindle. but i told her no.
i like to hold my books, dog ear the pages,smell the paper and all importently sleep with my books( not in the dirty way you pervert) i cant imagin holding a hunk of plastic and getting that same relaxing feel.
same with music. i will use my mp3 player out of convinence. but i still prefer records,or cds. i like holding my music and looking at the cover art.
also i like to look at my wall of music and feel some sort of ownership there.

i own 200 something dvds. *CRAZY*

its 4am and i cant sleep.


also im throwing spellcheck to the wind
terribly sorry to the no one who reads my bloggity blew.
i know i make your brain hurt.