Tuesday, March 16, 2010

things that scare the crap out of me.

Taxidermyed squirrels for one. regular alive squirrels are cute and nom on nuts and junk all adorable and shite. but the dead and stuffed ones that are meant to look like there hunting for sustenance ... there cold dead eyes only say to me " hi there , i want to eat your soul" and then i end up crying in the fetal position on the floor. *sob*
Things i do like? Attack of the show. usually wird guy (who looks like he might be nice in person but his celebrity makes him REEEAAALLLY not want to talk to you), as well as half asian girl (who is pretty Boss at awkward pauses)lift my spirits.Making me think that im not going to be that girl who knows nothing about tec. i will knock your socks off with comicbook nerdyness if need be so dont bust my chops 'yo'
anywho i lurv ATOS.
this post is going no where.
you can never get back this 3 min of your life!!!
im hella sick and too lazy to go hunt up pics for funny making. STOP PRESSURING ME!! go look them up yourself!

oh crap on cracker,becase i could not bare to dissapoint the all of NO ONE who reads this blog with this posts lack pics. i HAD to go look them up....oh i wish i had not. I'm going to be haveing nightmears for weeks.
ill start you off slow

it makes you want to kill your neighbor and set fier to your school and/ or workplace right????....right?..just me then. Alright. :(

yes you are seeing EXACLY what you think you are seeing, Earings. even better was what was written below.

"I know I'm not the only one around here who has a soft spot for creative taxidermy - and who could not have their heart stolen completely by this gift of lovely squirrel feet earrings?"

awwwww thats so true. every time you tilted you head and those little claws ran agaings your shoulder it would feel like the dead squirrl was trying to escape from your ear holes not to mention creep the liveing hell out of you! fabuous!!! im going to buy some Right now!

and lastly. they are giveing dead zombie squirrls weapons. when the apycolyps comes this is whats going to kill you. and you know why? Because you wont be expecting it, not untill too late will you relize that squirrls been dead through the whole movie and what you thought was just a cute squirrl tick is actually him loading a clip in his AK-47. so long suckers. your dead now.

i laugh at you. for i will be ALIVE on an exotic island somwhere sipping coconut smoothines ...did i mention my island will have NO taxidermy squirrls on it? porque? BECAUSE THEY ARE SCARY AS FU**!!! DONT YOU LISTEN!?!?!?!?! *gah*