...I do miss the ecoy emptiness of this blog.
lucky you! I'm back.
Because talking to yourself isn't crazy if it is done over the Internet.
(note:that might be a lie)
and what have I been up to in my absence???
awesomeness pure and simple.
actually only one awesome.
i made myself a hat/
I was sitting around one day watching an commercial for Delta. when I thought to myself,
I could never fly a plane.
this is a very important fact.
there are waaaay to many buttons.
i should NEVER be around that many buttons. that's like giving the hdhd kid a 3 pound sack filled with pixi sticks and sour patch kids.
not only will it be an epic fail. but your house will most likely get burned to the ground in the process.
but back on track.
I will never fly a plane.
But i have a huge cardboard box in my living room that i can sit in.
A plan was hatched.
I NEEDED a\n aviator hat. like yesterday. because i was sooo going to fly that box .
yes i am a small child.
sewing ensued. and needless to say I'm wearing an aviator hat with goggles to bed tonight.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I Miss You
Posted by Cult leader at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 20, 2010
Cee-Lo "Fuck you"
I dont know why I love this so much.
Perhaps its the kid in me going "tee hee...they cussed"
Posted by Cult leader at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
True What?
True Blood. A pretty disturbing show. That I love,why? porque the love?
that's just...i....and *brain blank*
and I don't usually go for the overly buff guys.
I prefer the kinda soft super nerdy guys, buuuut something about this is just.
well that's going to hold me over for the day.
I'm sorta waiting a week or so for my boob to heal before I dive back into the dating scene.
after spending the past few months boy less. I'm fairly certain I'm about to combust.
Posted by Cult leader at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I dont...I Just..
NEEED! someone invent NOW!
I would use it EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Geek Army Knife by Ian Summers.
Posted by Cult leader at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Get To Work Kid!!!
Lorelai you are falling behind kiddo!
I think every mom thinks there kid is a smartie pants. Lorelai dose pretty well for herself.
but this....nah this is a bit beyond her...and my 6 year old cousin.
for serious yall.
also on a side note. I'm Really digging this pome.
Posted by Cult leader at 9:30 PM 0 comments
click to make with the large more readabul graphic.
todays post has been brought to you by
[slosh spot]
Posted by Cult leader at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Party On Garth
I now have the whole of 6 people supposidly following my blog!
as per tradition I googled "number 6" and planed on putting up whatever i found.
but this time something diffrent came up.
Its like Google just knew what I wanted, even before I knew what i wanted. Google has tapped into my subconsious. *spaz*
Expect Google to crash for no aperant reason very soon.
Posted by Cult leader at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
On a completly sepret note. Did you ever notice how all the red shirts die? so...um...whats gunna happen to this epicly cool dude? I have the distinct feeling his man lives on Doctor Pepper and Funions.
I can just tell.
Posted by Cult leader at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Lets Sing
there are very few situations where a danceing strormtrooper wouldnt make my day.
but danceing to a singing in the rain remix? JEBUS! I might very well explode with happies
Posted by Cult leader at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Sometimes Shoyukn Is The Only Answer
NO cancer Tory is now putting an end to all these emo ass posts shes been puttin up lately.
Back to the Sunshine, Back to the Happy
Back to the Shoyukn vanity plates.
sweet baby Jesus, this is beautiful.
having this slapped onto the back of your car must give you complete leeway for ROAD RAGE!!!!
what? did you just cut me off? SHOYUKN!!!
damn right your dead.
Posted by Cult leader at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 5, 2010
now hears the funny part.
Wednesday I'm getting my Biopsy.
I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want anyone to worry.
buuuut now I'm sad that I have no one to worry with me.
I'm a loan worrier right now.
I feel that everything is going to be fine and it wont be cancer.
come on its 1% chance. I don't care how ugly it looks , that's some good odds for me.
But there is going to be that WHATIF running through my head like a kid on crack for the next few days and I want someone to tell me its going to be okay.
Moms a bad canadit for that. I don't think she wants to tell me its going to be okay if we really don't know.
If that makes any sense.
I'm finding myself wearing lower cut things these past few days...okay these past few months I'v been worrying.
Everyone must think iv suddenly take a career move to be a hooker.
Its been making me feel better to peek down at them and see they look no different from any other boob. (if not a bit smaller)
i just watched a vid online about biopsies. it says that 4 out of 5 times it comes back fine.
im happy with this.
Posted by Cult leader at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Confidence,Now In Wig Form
I have a very short list of blogs that I HAVE TO READ every day and the bloggess is one of them. Very often her posts make me laugh out loud. but for real yall, not just the lol ppl usually say but you know they are totally not Laughing out loud.
mine is the kind of LOL that makes the other people in the silent room you happen to be cohabiting with them turn to you like your face just fell off.
generally I hate getting the. "Wtf? Did your face just implode?" Look. But when reading the Bloggess I could care less.
anyways she has introduced me to the concept of confidence wigs.
and I have to say prior to this revelation I was just wearing a wig every now an them because....okay i don't have a because
it was just a thing I did sometimes.
but now I have a legitimate reason.
"whats that on your head??!"
Posted by Cult leader at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Cant Lie
Im addicted to Senor Gif.
see more SeƱor Gif
because "weeeeee! IM RUNNING! RAWR DINO POWER! wait wait wait I'm slipping, noooo i can save this, FEET MOVE FASTER. *dino face plant* BLARGH."
the sad tail colapse has me laughing my butt off. =(>_<)=
Posted by Cult leader at 10:10 PM 0 comments
I have to agree with The Daily What on this
this washing machine sounds like Jumanji is trying to get out
"In the jungle you must wait, until the timer reads five or eight."
throughout this whole vid i was waiting for the rhino to run over my car.
friggin rhino....I hate you and your pointy face.
that quotes from Jumanji natch.
also if you didn't know that your dead to me.
seriously? Did your childhood suck or something?
that's like saying you never had a slap bracelet or Lisa Frank anything.
Posted by Cult leader at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Shiiiiii...uh...stuff im excited about.
Me and Venture brothers are like thisclose
for serious. I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE that show.
there seems to never be a "aw crud this sucks" moment(at least not for me)
Here is the Preview for season 4.2
Posted by Cult leader at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
so young
The date has been set.
August the 11th I go in for my Biopsy.
Oh Mr.Lump your about to meet your maker.
which dosent really make any seance because I guess tecnicly im its maker.
:/ whatever man! DONT QUESTION ME!!!!
Anyways the biopsy seems to be the way to go.
if for nothing else to make us all feel better. Iv been told the chance that its Cancer is 1% in people as young as I.
He repeated this a few times. throughout my last apointemt he kept randomly saying "gosh...your just so young" ...thanks doc, that makes me feel worlds better :)
It looks ugly at this point. Thats all i can really say.
i was also warned that this surgery can miss shape my boob.
he said it to me like i was going to go "hey yea no...ill just keep this whatever it is in my boob because a wonkey boob!!! *gasp* I WILL HAVE NONE OF THAT!"
nice breasts are highly over rated.
Posted by Cult leader at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Create avatar
all im saying is- PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON!!!!
Posted by Cult leader at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
It has come to my attention that I don't know how to be alone. I surround myself with people every day because I simply do not know how to function without there presence in my life. Even in the shower. when one is as alone as you can be. I keep the door open,and plan when I can be around others again.
I'm in love with the idea of Love. but I have no clue how to feel it.
my heart swells for my daughter and my parents. I go on so many dates (to fill my nights and stave off the alone times)
Ever am I keeping my distance.I present myself as an object. I Seduce them and i tell them what they want to hear. no, there not using me. instead i use them.
and when I'm done. I fall off the planet. I pretend to be too busy to go on a date. Too busy to answer the many texts they will leave for me.
my heart is fragile. and it has made me cold.
but still i fear being alone so i trek on- and date men i know i could never love.
tonight is a rare night. no date in sight.
just me, alone in my house...
its a scary feeling.
afraid of the empty.
but wont let anyone close enough to fill this hole.
perhaps tonight is just me practicing. for what it will be like when in 40.
i know me.
and i will find a man i know I'm too good for.
someone who i can hang out with.
and i will settle.
i wonder if ill fall in love?
what a strange thing that would be.
is is sad that i cant imagine what that would be like?
i don't know what its like to love someone, and have them love you in return.
perhaps this should be my new goal....
aw fak.
okay i feel better now.
Posted by Cult leader at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Spider man is so gay.
A gay couple are spotted making out on the cover of the new spider man issue!
Okay there not making out there just holding each others face lovingly. But I'm still going to take this as a huge step forward. especially because its under an American flag. I'm so happy I could combust.
good job Marvel, Good Job.
Posted by Cult leader at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Its Harry Potters Birthday!!!
and yes I will be eating cake in celebration :)
I am queen of the Geeks!
...or I guess you could take it as, im queen of the losers.
but you dont want to be punched in the nose do ya? because i sooo will. >:)
Posted by Cult leader at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
Oh god I miss you interwebs! no one visits me...but...in my lonly little hole of nothing...i-i...no yea the interwebs are laughing at me.
Posted by Cult leader at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
doctor who???
your like...wtf tory, why is this here?
I'll tell you.
because i snagged it off of 4chan (my love) and have evil plans of jacking this up all to hell. Replaceing the adorabulz Pond with me! because i love ME and i love doctor...so together we make AWESOME!!!!
Posted by Cult leader at 11:16 AM 0 comments
This crazy adorable creature is a zebra/donkey mix of cuteness.
or a zonkey...or a donbra...or a zebkey...o a debra oh my god...debra the zonkey!!!!
I shall love you forever and your name shall be Debra!
This cutest of all creatures was born at the Chestatee Wildlife Preserve in Lumpkin County, Ga.
I think we all know whats going to happen now.
I'm going on a road trip,and thee is going to be an unexplained zonkey-napping in the paper soon.
some of you are like what?!
okay when i say paper-its that stuff that people used to get there news from b4 the interwebs
I KNOW its hard to imagin a world without the possiby false news of the interwebs.
Posted by Cult leader at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
I have a new blog!
because having no one visit me at one blog just wasn't enough!!!
I want to be ignored by the Internet X2!
Its about food, and I think we all know that I'm an expert in eating food. so it should only be to easy to make it...maybe....
lets just not focus on the fact I have never been able to cook anything without filling the house with smoke, okay?
I'm on a mission yall!
I'm going to make something sooo Delicious it'll make you want to die a happy taste bud death.
(I hear this is the best type of death)
Posted by Cult leader at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
im glad we have this new tec.
the internet is really really great,
that shiz is stuck in my head. you get special looks if you sing THAT in public.
Posted by Cult leader at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Israeli Dance Force
LOL soldiers danceing with huge guns.
i aprove of this.
oh Ke$ha will your shite lyrics and horrid voice take over the WHOLE world?
yes, yes they will.
i had "your love your love your love is my drug" stuck in my head for TWO DAYS!
what kind of world is this!??!?!?!
Posted by Cult leader at 2:20 PM 0 comments
the future is in embroidery!
turns out im not a complete loser when it comes to embroidering things. it seems to be yet another random skill that i have acquired. currently I'm using this skill for the dorky betterment of everyone. my very first project (just to test the waters) was Anpan from Nemu-nemu. a lovely web comic i discovered and instantly fell in love with.
my second and almost completed project has been a tribute to my favorite line in the Dr.Horrible sing along blog. "all the birds are singing that you're gonna DIE"
it makes me so happy i might very well splode.
i realize that if i ever want to sell something i have to start making things other people like and not just me.
but seriously whats the fun in that?
Posted by Cult leader at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
im listing to bowling for soup 1985 (because im old shut up)
and i randomly decided that leaning to embroder would be a good use of my time :)
how fakawesome would that be???
of course i will only use my old lady skills for evil....
Posted by Cult leader at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Happy lets blow shiz up day!
todays that day yall, where i light that fuse that looks waaaay to short then try and run away b4 i set my self on fier/ blow my hand off.
sometimes i make it
sometimes i burn a hole in my pants.
not to mention iv been put on bbq detail >_< its like my family WANTS me to lose my eyebrows!
dear eyebrows, i love you. yes i know i pluck the shiz out of you untill sometimes it looks like im supprised to see everyone. but really i DO love you. please dont cumbust when i light the chicken on fier.
thanks* TORY
there not going to listen. i know this already.... well here is to a FAIL waiting to happen!
Posted by Cult leader at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 3, 2010
gong the airbender
who knew Aang and Gong were pronouced the same way?
i mean- the nick show it was taken from says Aang the way you would think ..you know...like aang...
the movies was SUCK.
the kid looooved it of course but she has the WORST taste in movies evah
the charecters were not developed enough.
acting was EH
turns out im too sleepy to write this review.
Posted by Cult leader at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
the world stands still for wbk
okay this was slapped up on college humor as a
"haha king of the nerds! look how stewpid"
and all i can think , when i see this is....
holy mother of tiny hamster cows!
some guy at the bar would be like
"heeey hun. why don't i grope your arse!"
and id be like
"fak you, back off slimy McSlimer"
and he would say
"what about a bewbie?"
id reach in my purse pull out these WBK
"FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK" *pees*....*runs the fak away*
oh god....need to make or buy RIGHT AWAY
that is all
Posted by Cult leader at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
dude thats so sick!
and by "that" i mean "I'm" mostly. fak
I am of course on a never ending roller coaster of sickness.
it certainly starts to feel like im forever laying in bed with fever trying to ingest fluids while losing them by the pounds.
yes that's right. today, regardless of me practically living with a Gatoraid bottle knitted to my lips I somehow managed to go from 304 (what can i say? the cookies were calling me!) to 294 and that's when i weighed myself mid-day. :(
I'm most likely nothing more than skin and bones...and well metal (titanium actually)by now.
any ways, because i cant sleep for fear of dieing in my sleep iv been kicking around on the interwebs. you know this always means good things for you!...
and by "you" i mean "NO ONE"
...so as i was saying, here you go
someone payed $45,000. for this.
and your wondering WHY~~???
well take a good look at those huge but natural ta-tas
look familiar?
its Marilyn!!
im not saying i would pay that much for that x-ray, but i would pay a pretty penny to hang it awkwardly in my front room.
i love to creep out
Posted by Cult leader at 9:28 PM 0 comments
it official
im going to take a trip to new orlans and roam the street singing *fly away* because aperntly thats Lenny Kravitz bait. :)
Posted by Cult leader at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 27, 2010
wait and see
WHAT? im all for the "maybe its nothing" aproach,
but i also like knowing what the hampster fucker is happening in meh own bewbies!
ill just try and ignore my boobs for now.
freaking out dosent help me one bit. >_<
so in the mean time enjoy this picture.
Posted by Cult leader at 8:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
time refuses to move.
im waiting Oh so nicely for time to start going again.
at 2 something im going in for another ultrasound and a thrid opinion on my lumpy boob. blargh
all the doctors are willing to tell me is "dont worry" and i of course laugh and say "im really not worried" and they give me a look like im insane.
dude...do you want me to worry or not? i a sea of calm over here but your creeping me out.
my breast surgen guy keeps randomely looking at me and going "god..your so young"
wtf surgen guy??? get a grip yo!
im no good a waiting.
if the clock would tick just a few min i can call the hospital.
my daughter is going in for surgery tomorrow and i have to set everything up with the hospital today, but i can only call in a couple hour period.
so again...im waiting
today has been a whirlwind of doctors apointmens mostly for me, but also for my dog who has a broken leg.
just fyi tiny dogs in tiny casts are ADRORABUL!!!!
omfg! the clock started moveing!!! okay im off to make phonecalls.then off into the wild to get my boob felt up by a bunch of doctors. more men have touched my breast in the past few days than in the past month. nevermind most of them have that cranky serious "hummmm" face on.
Ill take what i can get!
Posted by Cult leader at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Green Hornet
Wow, okay so seriously someone was like...what if we took that guy from knocked up and shove him in a greenhornet movie.
everyone was like..that makes NO sence whatsoever, then they got REALLY high and were like "duuude wait...yea no thats a great idea!"
i watched the trailer and it deliverd a really weird tone for the movie.
it feels all wrong, and highly generic.
now having said that. i WILL be going to theaters to watch it. because it looks okay funny.ill prolly see someone half nekid. not to mention im DEFF going to see some shite blow up!
yall know i never pass up things that go boom. ^_^
Posted by Cult leader at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
my child hood.
well sort of,
i was always the flash or that harriot the spy chick.
but mostly the flash :)
i was sitting around waiting for the new epi of True Blood.
when i relized i really wanted to be green lanturn right now.
id use my power ring to get myself a cheese stick from the fridge.
>_< HAPPY!
Posted by Cult leader at 9:52 PM 0 comments
hobbits in the hizzouse
how strange is it to see a truck outside of a hobbit hole?
the hobbit is looking to come to theaters in 2012-
and i have to say im EXCITED
funny enough im actually doing thehobbit for the community play :) im a troll. anyone supprised? yea me neither.
Posted by Cult leader at 1:36 PM 0 comments
this is my 131st post that no on will read. woah!
im kinda proud of myself for continuing to write even though people seem to avoid my blog like the plague.
is it because i say bish instead of bitch?
because i can start cussing like a sailor if you want...
i just....*sob*...i just want your approval Internet!
just kidding. i hate you.
you smell
also i slept with your girlfriend. YOU HEARD ME! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!
anyways this post is actually not about my lack of Internet popularity (shocking i know)
instead this is a musing
how is it anyone sleeps with me? not in the "lets get it on" way, i know how that works. i watched the informational film in Jr.High.
*sings* "whhhen a mannnn loves a woman,cant keep his mind on nothin' else"
sometimes guys sleep in my bed (SHOCKING) and i cant help but wonder how they manage to escape with so few bruises.
I snore,and a talk in my sleep (which is not as sexy as midnight sun tries to make it out to be) but more importantly i kick , roll , and wiggle. my cats insist on sleeping on the end of my bed. and EVERY single night i kick them in the face and they go flying into the darkness.
poor guys who share my bed. i cant imagine what they must go through!!!!
....its way early in the morning. I'm waiting for this vid of mine to upload to youtube so i can go to sleep but its taking foooreeevvveerrr.
Yes all those extra letters were necessary. what are you trying to say? that I'm wasting the Internets resources for my own sick purposes? well i don't have a retort to that really, other than to say YOUR CRAZY. the Internet gave me all these extra letters FOR FREE...also apparently the Internet gave me unlimited access to THE CAPS KEY. OHH YEA BABY! ITS LIKE I'M YELLING RIGHT INTO YOUR EYEBALLS!
oh that sounds like a terrible thing.
ill stop now. because I'm pretty sure iv finally gone insane.
Posted by Cult leader at 1:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
i think we all know im a twilight fan. completly against my will im abso insane about the saga.i have a mini edward. and posters
and such
i have a theory- i think its because im in love with love. or at least the idea of love. and the books are filled to the brim with loooooove.
Edward is so not my type of guy. mostly because im at least 82% sure he has a vagina.
but that dosent matter because there in loooooveee
i love, love. You most likely love,Love.
she deffently loves, love...but there is a line.
she just crossed it.
you just lost your skin privleges.
and your tattoo choseing privliges
i get it really i do. but im freaking out right now about haveing too many words on my body, and i only have 3.
YOU have lost your little twilight addled mind.(what happens when you read the series too many times in a row)
Posted by Cult leader at 8:50 PM 0 comments
owl mania
1 owl three different versions.
*fatty owl "get in meh tummeh!"
*regular owl "im faking adorable yo"
*im gunna kill you owl "after im done stealing your soul im going to eat your FACE!"
if this were any more adorable i would explode.
Posted by Cult leader at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
hello depression my old friend.
what you see:
happy chipper and completly insane girl
what is happening:
fuck all! earthquakes, volcanos,tornados, apocolyptic feelings.
some people just have life a little harder than the rest.
thats a solid fact. likewise i think alot of people would catagorize there life as "shite" or "mucho difficult"
but i happen to be ahead of the game. i take all those crappy feelings, the stuff that make me want to roll into a fetal possition and never come out. and arm myself with a HUGE stick.
now with this stick i beat the liveing shite out of my feelings and stuff there batterd remains into a very small box in my subconsious.
iv been told this is not exacly what the profesionals might call "healty" but really who is going to be supprised with my mind finaly snaps?
is anyone even going to notice that im extra crazy??
Posted by Cult leader at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
of course tattoos i need.
how many posts have i done about tattoos i desperately need?
but these are sorta in my not so distant future.(hopefully)okay this one is only half right i want the falling petunias with a flowing script that says "oh no,not again"
for a very happy tory
i think my next tat will be the tardis though with a weeping angel on either side and some flowy bits. because i rock.
and doctor who rocks. and i want us to rock together :)
Posted by Cult leader at 8:54 PM 0 comments
rainbow vagina cupcakes
yea that got your attention!
go to Wisely-chosen 's flickr account and stare at them, they are BEAUTIFUL. you can celebrate national oral sex month by enjoying some yummy (all be it questionable) cupcakes.
yea im 999% sure i cant post pictures of ACTUAL oral sex here, so instead you get an all girl barbie on barbie orgy.
seems appropriate.
also the prize for woooorst oral sex term goes to "drinking from the furry cup" seriously? is that what you say?
no matter how sexy you were or how hot and heavy it was in the bed room if you ever said that i would kick you out of bed while i laughed my arse off.
Posted by Cult leader at 2:19 PM 0 comments
screw you canada
traceing my family tree with canadian records is imposibul. they keep the worst records in the friggin world.
im thinking that its because there is a whole lot of nothing up there...well at least there wasnt a whole lot up there in 1855.
early american settlers kept the most amazing records in the history of the world i telling you. they documented everything.
thank you americans!
on another note.
this laptops "m" key is sticking. you never relize how much u use a letter till it wont go.
i wrote a 200 something word email to my 'boss' only to discover at the very end the entier thing was missing that all important "m"
also im being a little pirate and watching the new epi of trueblood online however its the slowest prosses in the friggin world.
im like...oh my yes eric butt. and then i have to wait another twenty min for the god forsaken thing to buffer. or load or whatever it is supposed to be doing right now.
perhaps i knows i doing something bad? maybe my computer is trying to protect my virture?
Dear computer,
i always watch those PSA's that come on b4 movies.
"you wouldnt steal a car"
"you wouldnt steal a dvd from a store"
"pirateing dvds and music is stealing and its illegal, your bish ass is going to jail forever"
i cry a little for the artists. then i go download twenty songs to my mp3 player. ^_^
am i oldfashioned?
my mom wanted to buy me a amazon kindle. but i told her no.
i like to hold my books, dog ear the pages,smell the paper and all importently sleep with my books( not in the dirty way you pervert) i cant imagin holding a hunk of plastic and getting that same relaxing feel.
same with music. i will use my mp3 player out of convinence. but i still prefer records,or cds. i like holding my music and looking at the cover art.
also i like to look at my wall of music and feel some sort of ownership there.
i own 200 something dvds. *CRAZY*
its 4am and i cant sleep.
also im throwing spellcheck to the wind
terribly sorry to the no one who reads my bloggity blew.
i know i make your brain hurt.
Posted by Cult leader at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
thanks gabe
ya bitch you.
hes all, come to Texas road house...eat these rolls. fak your "diet" to kingdom come.
and once again i have fallen for it.
i ate me some delish deep fryed pickles and mushrooms on the way down though.
:) it almost makes me haveing to lose those 5 pounds all over again worth it
on another note.
i very randomly gave my fwb guy an akward nickname.
i was like...from now on you are Bug.
because i declare it to be so!!!!
really tory? reeeaaallly?
also its late.
and im sleepy. perhaps now is NOT the right time to be making posts.?
Posted by Cult leader at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
how many youtube vids are there? like 17 million it seems.
i was like..hey...skinny people!
really i was looking for one of those insperational clips where a house wife with five kids lost 200 pounds when she found out she had a heart problem or something.
you know you love watching that crap.
well at least i do.
it makes me feel better. cuz there all skinny with flappy skin bits.
(heres the part where you say ewwwwww)
im on the road to being skinny
i was like FAK YOU FAT! now is the time when we are hawtness.
and it was like..."mmm look at that hamburger"
bastard fat. alway taunting me.
also sonic
somic taunts me.
i drink there rt 44 sweet teas. and as i sit there waiting very patiently there is a HUGE add for there chedder pepper burger.
two patties of meat...lots of chesse. and sandwiched betwix it all is there chedder filled jalapinos.
i want one.
any ways. i have lost another ten pounds.
meaing im officaly 300 pounds its exciteing to think that i only have to losse one pound to be officialy under the 300 mark.
thats a big deal,
im going to celebrate with a juice pop.
btw my trainer want me to stop drinking sweet tea!
i dont drink soda, or beer or anything else really but water and tea...and he wants to take away my tea
im going to be takeing 2 zumba classes a week so i can drink my tea. its a fair trade.
Posted by Cult leader at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
oh how i love haveing a sudo boyfriend. for about a week i had my lovins and smexins all at the same place. i think we all know how happy regular(ish) sechs makes me. and a happy tory is a skinny tory. lost eleven pounds this last week >_< well its all for not. because my boy toy is running off for 10 weeks. now i actually have to TRY to get skinny, working out ,eating right and what not... *mega sigh*
personal trainer guy,(-who daily mocks me whith his muscles ontop of muscles-)
says that i ought to take low impact dance class once a week inbetween my intence workouts. im against this on a few levels, mostly because i cant really dance outside of wiggleing my hips stripper style.
but because SOMBODY wont be sechsing me up i have to do it..
im back on the track to skinny. woot!
im drinking water right now haveing lusty thoughts about a cupcake. mmmm cupcake.
Posted by Cult leader at 6:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Fake Science
is apparently the best type of science.
i learned this today,
i got my learnin' i know the truth when i see it."Suck it trigonometry -- I've never used you in real life! Stop laughing, philosophy, I only understand you when im drunk."
ah crap.
Posted by Cult leader at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Katamari !!!!!
"Clump Spirit"
you rem the PS2? that thing that came b4 the jazztastic PS3?
yea well they had a game,
where this ball thing rolled around and with everything it touched it grew in size.
it was like a ball sponge.
a SEXY ball, mind you.
anyways it was an addictive, pointless game. that aperently these ppl loved.
wich of course makes me love them.
we will prolly get married to eachother. you know after there hunnymoon period is over and they a dash of tall dark and sexy in there lives...(me) :)
Posted by Cult leader at 10:39 AM 0 comments
oh god. its so beautiful!
there is some sort of background story about how this was on a dude in the Philippines. but honestly i cant stop stareing at this beautifulness long enough to care who's flesh its on....do you think this would be an awkward lower back tattoo?
your hitting on a hot girl (me) and her cute top rides up ever so sligly you look down per chance of seeing a little something. and instead you have iron man scowling at you.
do you
A:back up slowly
B:say "hell yes "lift up your shirt to show your war machine tattoo on your abs.
"we belong together!"
C:get your T-Rex and ride into the sunset like a badass.
Posted by Cult leader at 10:07 AM 0 comments
brain slugs
that's right. inserted -against my will-,into my brain.
i swear. have sex with a nerd and all that geeky knowledge gets squished into you cerebellum.
i woke up this morning with an intament knowledge of Magic the Gathering.
i was like WTF!
that is NOT the very fist though i wanted in my brain this morning.
the birds were chirping dogs were barking.... sun was shining through my window. and suddenly a stack of 60 well chosen cards flicker through my brain. and the fact that you can 4 of the same card in your stack
although if these cards were real i would play that sh*t every day.
Posted by Cult leader at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
your mamas so fat
that she put up with your crazyness.
woah. aperently im no good at jokes.
sept for my fav one.
"did you hear about the buddist monk who refused novacaine while getting a root canal?
he was trying to trancend dental medication"
i was a sweetheart teenager. well as much of a sweetheart a teen girl can be.
were all full of anger and poetry.
also unicorns.
Fakin unicorns. they sprout out and eat your corn when your not looking.
also they poop stripper glitter.
Posted by Cult leader at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
i knew
i knew that eventualy i would come across one of the people from the salem witch trial in my hunt for my geneology. i only figgured it would be in a more conveluted way.
not soooo.
Mary Bliss was found not guilty.
so theres that.
she looks kinda witchy.
boogity boogity
Posted by Cult leader at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
things i want.
i want to steal music off the interwebs without my computer having a nervous breakdown.
is that so much to ask?
I know what your thinking.
your thinking "but Tory, stealing is wrong! your going to jail forever"
and on that id like to make 2 points. numero uno. i think we all know one way or another im going to wind up in jail.
i don't want to be in Jail, but i have accepted it as an inevitability.
Numero B
it IS wrong to steal, don't do it. and stay in school, and don't do drugs, and be a virgin forever (just to be safe)
frequently i find myself all sad face about all those song writers, and performers who poured there little souls out in a recording booth so i can get my dance on.
i shed a little tear for them.
THEN i remember that i live in a Single wide trailer, with a cat (who I'm allergic too)and a toddler, trying to make a living on crafts and good looks.
and that they are mega rich and drinking bubbly in there own personal hot tub on there estate.
and suddenly i don't feel so bad.
oop ..
im a bad person again
now if i could just figure out how to Torrent sh*t instead of P2P i might be able to avoid picking up computer herpies.
awww look how cute he is stealing Now That's What I Call Music #49
Posted by Cult leader at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
today is the DAYYYY
woah! man today is a sexy day of sexyness!
that is exacly what i mean.im like man i love me a nerdy guy. i mean a guy who loves ironic tshirts thick glasses and has an atari/nitendo 64 at home.
slightly chubby ,seriously akward in social situations makes me happyface.
Posted by Cult leader at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
I absolutely realize that this blog is for me and me alone, its like shouting into a cave around here, around here, around here.
(lol get it? eco?...no?....ah crap)
but i feel the need to tell myself.{in case i get worried} that my blog is going through termoil! the usual laptop i use for sexing it up with the blogieness is down for the count. I'm on my own laptop right now. which has had a looong and hard life.
steeped on, and forced to look at dirtyness with no virus protection, not to mention p2p stealing of goods.
so basically this machine hates me,
it wont let me post all the time, nor will it alot my love of waaay to many pics. hence why i have been posting videos lately.
the no one who is reading this. might notice some gaps between posts.
Posted by Cult leader at 5:18 PM 0 comments
my new fav band
Move over Ludo. say bye bye Cage the elephant. there is a new sound that has invaded my brain.
Chameleon Circuit made an album completly consisting of Doctor who music.
im curently pumping 'an awful lot of running' into my eardrums.
mother effing happy face.
i came across it because of Alex Day's vlog, iv been watching him read the first twilight book and laughing my arse off.
so you have two missions. go find his vlog. then hunt down this grand musics.
GO!! dew!
Posted by Cult leader at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
omg cutes!
all my cats do for there food is claw my leg and poo in my closet.
...grumble grumble grumble i friggin hates the kitties.
i have a momma kat and her 5 babies in my house.
and the momma is pissed at me because i wont let her outside. so she is pooping in my closet.
Posted by Cult leader at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
lets play a game.
OH EMM GEE Yall~!! i never knew the Depression could be so FUN!
*serious face*
who in the great googily moogily thought this was a good idea?
Posted by Cult leader at 2:45 PM 0 comments
going Dr.who craaazy
how many posts have had on here where i so bravely announced that i "NEED" something? you might fear that this post will follow in the others footsteps. this is where you would be wrong. Although i do need to own this fab peice of plastic to go alongwith my twilighty plastic mens. (the mini adventures of Mini E) but id much rather have the man.
hey if i send in 29.99 to england do you think they would send me him in a box?
mmmm boxed hottness....delisious.
Posted by Cult leader at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 30, 2010
Mmmmm cookie goodness
anyone who has read even one of my bloggity blogs will know that im an epic nerd.
inpaticluar for all things
Doctor Who
and so on and so on.
for for reals yall....i need this. there is no words to describe how happy i would be getting cookies from this magical box
do you relize how many cookies you could keep in a Tardis??? like a Bajillion! sure it looks small on the outside but dear lord there is actually a cookie factory on the inside.
to ensure that every time you open the top (to the bad ass tardis sounds woosh wooosh woosh) you will get a steamy hot cookie of joy.
okay that's not exactly true.
is it any surprise that my new BFF's at ThinkGeek have come out with this wonderis creation?
$26.99 Will get you the time lords cookie sanctuary. (which is a steal on a time machine if you ask me)
woah did it just get sexy in here?
Posted by Cult leader at 9:10 AM 0 comments